Many of those unfamiliar with credit reports share a mistaken belief that credit reports display a near perfect accuracy. In reality errors on a credit report occur with alarming frequency. Reporting agencies rarely verify or cross check information unless they have a specific reason to do so. Therefore it becomes the obligation of each individual to verify the accuracy of their own credit report and begin the process of correcting inaccuracies of the credit report. Inaccuracies on a credit report may take several forms including reporting of credit information on items which were never associated with the individual in question, items which may be related to an individual but are reported improperly or items which may be attributed to the individual but should no longer be reported on a credit report. Important personal items are often miss-reported as well including ones address, social security number and employment history. Everyone should check these personal items as well when reviewing the accuracy of the credit report. Federal law sets the limit on reporting items of negative credit at 7 years except the case of Chapter 7 bankruptcy where the limit extends to 10 years.
Quick Fix Credit Repair: What to Know to Protect Yourself and Your Credit Report - Associated Content
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